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Breaking Down The Most Common Skin Conditions

Alcantara, Livia
Written by Livia Alcantara
On October 12, 2021

We all feel an instant boost of confidence when our skin looks healthy, glowing, and clear.

Sadly, 84.5 million Americans struggle with some sort of skin condition today.

Here at GeniusRx, we want to help everyone look and feel their absolute best, so we are breaking down the three most common skin conditions and offering our best tips to help you feel confident in your skin every time you look in the mirror.  

#1 Most Common Skin Condition: Acne

Most of us can remember a time in our adolescence when a pimple or blemish caused us distress or “ruined” some event. While acne is most popular amongst teens, adults can struggle with acne as well, making this pesky condition our most common skin condition. To effectively treat acne, it’s essential to understand what causes acne. Acne can be caused by blocked hair follicles, an excess of oil found on the skin, excess sweat and dirt causing pores to clog, and hormonal changes. When someone says acne, most people only think of pimples; however, blackheads, cysts, and nodules are all considered acne as well. Acne can develop on your face, back, chest, and other areas of your body. 

While acne can clear up on its own, it’s best to seek treatment from a healthcare professional, as unchecked acne can lead to permanent scars and dark spots.  

Tips For Managing Acne:

  • Wash your skin after sweating. Sweat can make acne worse, so wash your skin as soon as possible after sweating. 
  • Be gentle with your skin. Use gentle products on your skin. Try to avoid products that irritate your skin, products such as scrubs, some face masks, and toners. Alcohol-free products are an excellent option for those who struggle with acne.  
  • Let your skin heal naturally. While it might be tempting to pop pimples and pick at blemishes, resist the urge! The more you pick, pop or squeeze, the longer it will take for your skin to heal as dirt from your fingers can cause infections or new blemishes to form. Additionally, messing with your acne can cause permanent acne scarring.  
  • Keep your hands off your face. Touching your skin throughout the day can cause flare-ups due to the excess oil and dirt being transferred from your hands to your face.  

Medications Available To Treat Acne 

#2 Most Common Skin Condition: Rosacea

Rosy cheeks or rosacea? Rosacea is a common skin condition amongst middle-aged white females; however, anyone can be affected by this condition. Rosacea causes blushing or flushing and visible blood vessels in your face. It may also produce small, pus-filled bumps that can be a mistake for acne. Those who suffer from rosacea may experience flare-ups for a couple of weeks or months then go away with no natural pattern for reappearing. Some causes of rosacea include circulation issues, environmental irritants, and immune system issues. Contrary to popular belief, rosacea is not caused by poor hygiene and is not contagious. While there’s no cure for rosacea, you can control and reduce your symptoms with prescription medications and following some of the tips below.  

While there’s no cure for rosacea, you can control and reduce your symptoms with prescription medications and following some of the tips below.  

Tips For Managing Rosacea: 

  • Find your triggers. There are a multitude of factors that can trigger a rosacea flare-up. A few common triggers for rosacea include consuming hot beverages or foods, spicy foods, alcohol, exposure to extreme temperatures (both hot and cold), cold wind blowing directly on your face, and some cosmetic and beauty products. Everyone has different triggers, but it’s crucial to determine what causes your rosacea to flare and avoid those triggers. 
  • Use sun protection. Those who suffer from rosacea often find that their skin is quite sensitive to the sun, and they will develop a sunburn quicker than others. Exposure to sunlight can cause flare-ups, and sensitive skin can get damaged with over-exposure to the sun, so it’s essential to avoid the midday sun and seek shade as needed. It’s also beneficial to have double sun protection for those who suffer from rosacea by applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen, SPF 30 or above, and using protective clothing such as a wide-brimmed to offer more protection for your face and neck from the sun. 
  • Use rosacea-friendly skincare. Many skincare products can irritate skin with rosacea. Products like face scrubs, face masks, and even toners can cause rosacea to flare. Try switching your skincare products to mild or “sensitive skin” products that are gentle on the skin.  

Medications Available To Treat Rosacea 

  • Antibiotics, such as metronidazole creamwhich is anti-infective, can be used to treat rosacea. It reduces redness in the appearance of the skin and decreases inflammation.  
  • Oral antibiotics like doxycycline can also be used to treat rosacea.  
  • Azelaic acid gel (Finacea), a naturally occurring saturated dicarboxylic acid, can be prescribed as well to those who suffer mild to moderate rosacea. 

#3 Most Common Skin Condition: Eczema

Do you have itchy, inflamed, rash-like skin? You could be one of the 31 million Americans suffering from eczema. There are many different types of eczema: atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, nummular eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and stasis dermatitis. Eczema can affect anyone at any age, and it is not contagious. While the exact cause of eczema is still unknown, research suggests that eczema usually develops due to a combination of genetics and environmental triggers. Like most skin conditions, the symptoms of eczema can differ from person to person and can affect any area of the body. While there’s no cure for eczema, those who suffer from this condition find tremendous relief using prescription medications and alternative therapies to manage their flare-ups.  

Tips For Managing Eczema: 

  • Moisturizer is your friend. When your skin gets too dry, it can quickly become brittle, scaly, rough, or tight, which can cause an eczema flare-up. Try implementing a daily bathing and moisturizing routine with ultra-moisturizing products to keep skin hydrated.  
  • Avoid irritants. Everyday products and even natural substances can cause flare-ups. Things like hand and dish soap, laundry detergent, shampoo, body wash, metals, fragrances, certain fabrics, household cleaning products, and even some natural products and foods like fruit juice, vegetables or meats, can irritate your skin upon contact or consumption.  
  • Stress. There is a significant connection between stress and eczema flare-ups. Those who suffer from eczema reported their symptoms worsening when they were under stress or feeling stressed out. Learning stress management and finding ways to de-stress is extremely important for those who suffer from eczema. Things like yoga, journaling, and taking long walks can have beneficial effects for those who suffer from this condition.  

Medications Available To Treat Eczema 

  • Azathioprine (Imuran) is an immune suppressant that slows the immune system response, which can help to reduce the severity of eczema symptoms. 
  • An oral steroid like prednisolone can also be prescribed to treat swelling, redness, and itching as a side effect of eczema.  
  • Topical corticosteroid creams like Triamcinolone (Trianex) can be used on the skin to reduce swelling, redness, and itching for those who suffer from eczema.  

Your Skin Deserves To Shine  

Having a skin condition can dull your shine, but it doesn’t have to. Skip the visit to the pharmacy and let us deliver your skincare medications right to your door so you can start your skincare regiment faster.  

If you are ready to experience clear, healthy, glowing skin, we are prepared to help you achieve your skin goals.  


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